Embryo Adoption ~ Making More Miracles!

Embryo Adoption ~ Making More Miracles!

Embryo Adoption ~ Making More Miracles!

Celebrating with Tyler and Ruthie ~ Baby Boy Samuel

“Baby Samuel will be five months next week and is doing very well. He is the sweetest little baby we’ve ever met- and so happy! All of our friends and family members just love him to pieces too!!”

“He has been gaining weight well and it 14lbs now. He is starting to roll but still doesn’t do it too much yet. 🙂 His baby coos, talks, and giggles are just the BEST.”

“These have been some of the most special months as a little family and we couldn’t be more grateful for our little baby.”

“Thank you for this gift- we truly are so so grateful.”

“Sending our love!”
Tyler and Ruthie

Welcoming Cyrus! Born June 15, 2024

Cyrus has and older bother Pslam ~ so happy to meet him!

“We are very excited to announce the birth of our second snowflake baby boy, Cyrus Benjamin! He was born to us on Saturday night, June 15th measuring 20 inches long and weighing a healthy 6 pounds, 14 ounces.”

“He is completely perfect and everyone, including little Psalm, is so in love with this precious little blessing. We are praying that Cyrus (meaning sun) would be a radiant light to help and guide others and that he will bring joy to everyone he meets.”

Much Love,
Ben, Renae, Psalm and Cyrus

A Variety of Embryos Are Available for Adoption : )

Making the Right Match

We have all kinds of donor families. This includes couples of a variety of religions: Jewish, Hindu, Protestants, Catholics, Christians, and others. As for race there are Hispanic, East Indian, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, African American, Middle Eastern, Caucasian, and mixed race of several combinations. We try to find couples that are similar to each other for matching for the sake if the born children.

Apply online – no fee!



Reading Resources ~ For you!

Perhaps you dream of having a baby but struggle with infertility. Maybe you have biological children but are considering adoption to build your family. In this guidebook written by a veteran journalist-turned-adoptive father, learn everything you need to know about the embryo adoption process from your first call with an agency or fertility clinic to bringing baby home from the hospital. Told from a Christian perspective using personal, funny and downright jaw-dropping anecdotes from the author’s own adoption experience, this book will set your mind at ease by providing a clear roadmap for your adoption journey. Each chapter begins with a summary list of key themes and ends with a series of discussion questions designed to help prospective adoptive couples talk openly their hopes, fears and dreams throughout the adoption process. Packed with encouragement and advice that will save you precious energy, time and money on the road to adoption, this book will help loving moms and dads transform their parenting, bring precious embryo babies to term and affirm life in the era of in vitro fertilization.

Get it on Amazon here

Fundraising Opportunity Available

Through our Miracle Embryo Foundation

Family and friends can help adopting couples raise funds for their adoption by making a TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation. Send this link:
Donate Here : )
Checks can be accepted mailed to:
Att: Maria Lancaster
900 Commonwealth Place #255
Virginia Beach, VA 23464

The Bridge Project – Connecting Families

Making connections
with your family!

We are helping families to connect with each other through this project. Both adopting and donating families have been set up with personal Sharefile folders so all updates can be shared and saved.

Email me:


The Bridge Project

Here is how you can help!

If you are interested in making a tax deductible donation to support The Bridge Project, you may donate to our foundation, The Miracle Embryo Foundation that directly supports this heart touching and relationship building work.

Link to Donate

Medical Moment for June 2024 ~

Gut health and Infertility
Dr. Dan Kellams DACM, L.Ac

The gut is our second brain, the root of our immune system, the key system that allows us to take in nutrients and get rid of waste. The digestive system is inherently linked to nearly every system of the body. It’s no wonder that our gut is the gateway to either longevity or a life of chronic illness and disease. Emphasis on gut health is critical to overall prognosis and often takes center stage in the treatment of many conditions such as autoimmunity, osteoporosis, spectrum disorders, ADD and ADHD, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, infertility, neurodegeneration and cancer.

Watch: Your gut health and infertility – Remote appointments available


HOW TO DO A FAMILY UPDATE: Now’s the time to do one!

Start a Word Doc.

  1. Write your letter or note to your family
  2. Insert your photos into the Word doc
  3. Name your masterpiece and date it

Email your update to: maria@adoptembryos.org

We will take care of the rest by adding these updates to your adopter or donor Sharefile folder for them to see. They will be notified by Sharefile that they have updates! People love updates, and we love to pass them on!

Maria Lancaster, President Co-founder
Questions? Call us: 888-959-7712

Now You Can Apply On-line!



Call us with any questions you have 1-888-959-7712

Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter. Please forward this to someone you think may be interested in knowing more about embryo adoption or embryo donation. We are here to help answer your questions you may have. We are here to help!
Maria Lancaster Co-founder/President
1-888-959-7712 email me