15 May Happy Mother’s Day!
After 17 years, Alla & Vladimir are blessed with Maria
Alla and Vladimir never gave up!
Maria Joy
Born April 30th, 2019
“We are so grateful to Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park and especially the President Co-founder Maria for her dedication, and putting her heart in our case, for everything that was done to make our dream come true. I was waiting for this to happen, for the last 17 years of my life. And after a lot of failed pregnancies we got our miracle.”
~Alla and Vladimir
“Thanks to a mother that made decisions to donate the precious embryos instead of keeping them frozen. There is life in every tiny one of them. And they can change someone’s life forever, like ours were changed, after this baby was born.
It feels wonderful to be a mother this Sunday, it is my first and best Mother’s Day! Thank you, Lord, for our miracle baby, Maria. We are beyond grateful for her.”
~ Alla and Vladimir.
For Maria Joy…
Psalm 139:13-16
13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s
14 I praise you because I am fearfully
and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the
depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were
written in your book
before one of them came to be.
Rebecca and Franklin’s story
They came from Michigan to Seattle Reproductive Medicine
“In early February, I visited two separate fertility clinics, attempting to receive FDA clearance to transport the embryos to a local clinic. After much deliberation, stress, and ultimately, closed doors, Maria suggested two alternatives: come to Seattle, or try a different clinic (an hour and half away) that had worked with Maria in the past. We chose to travel to Seattle, and to utilize the expertise of Dr. Nancy Klein and Seattle Reproductive Medicine (SRM).”
“From the moment I spoke with her over the phone, I knew I was in good care. Her medical team, particularly Molly, my nurse coordinator, was outstanding, often answering my questions within minutes to no more than an hour. Once I received my calendar, and the medications, I was able to make arrangements to fly into Seattle. Arranging treatment in Seattle made sense, because our embryos were transported by Maria, herself, the clinical care team was experienced with long distance patients, and the city itself offers great amenities for travelers.”
“We thoroughly enjoyed our time in Seattle, and look forward to returning for our second embryo transfer in the future. If you are considering traveling to Seattle, you may even get to meet your donor family. While our donor family had unforeseen circumstances that prevented our meet-up, I know that at a future time, we will get the wonderful opportunity to meet them.”
~Rebecca and Franklin
(P.S. Big news! She’s pregnant!)
The Flourish Through the Word Conference with Margie Schaefer in Bothell, WA ~ Last Weekend!
Last weekend Elisha and I had the wonderful opportunity to share our miracle embryo adoption story with 500 women from the Seattle area. It was a wonderful Weekend and we want to thank Marjie Schaefer, founder of Flourish Through the Word for her invitation, hospitality, and words of encouragement to us all.
Flourish Through the Word
Elisha, adopted as an embryo in 2002, is as tall as me now, and she is also such a help to me! She does a great job helping at our Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park booth, talking to people, selling books, and helping me with set up and take down. No one could ask for a nicer daughter and I am so thankful on this Mother’s Day that she is in my life.
Find out more…
Fun Run at Greenlake
Sponsored by Fertility Walk
We also participated in this year’s Fertility Walk a couple weeks ago to help raise funds for people struggling with infertility. My assistant Shoba and her kind husband helped me with this one. We had a great day.
There were lots of runners and lots of participants to help with this, including our friends at Seattle Reproductive Medicine.
There were a lot of other vendors so we were able to meet new friends, which is wonderful.
The Bridge Project – Progress!
We are moving right along!
We are helping families to connect with each other through this project. Both adopting and donating families are being set up with personal Sharefile folders so all updates can be shared and saved. Questions?
Email me:
You can support
The Bridge Project!
If you are interested in making a tax deductible donation to support The Bridge Project, you may donate to our foundation, The Miracle Embryo Foundation that directly supports this heart touching and relationship building work.
Make a Donation
Now You Can Apply On-line!
Call us with any questions you have 1-888-959-7712