28 Jan Happy New Year 2024 ~ Our New Year’s Babies!
Happy New Year 2024 ~ Our New Year’s Babies!
Samuel David born January 6th, 2024
to first time parents Ruthie and Tyler
Embryo Adoption – The Blessing!
“We are SO excited and thrilled to share with you that our sweet boy is HERE!!! Samuel David came early on January 6th at 9:49 AM. He was 19.25 inches, and he was 5 lbs. 9 oz. We are doing great Samuel has already gained so much weight (coming up on 7lb!) and is such a sweetie. Thank you for helping us connect with this precious little one- our hearts are so so thankful!!!!! And we feel so incredibly thankful for this gift that our donor family have entrusted to us. He is so perfect.” ~Ruthie and Tyler
Find out more: Adopt Embryos
Naomi is blossoming! Daughter to first time parents
Lindsey and Adam – Another embryo adoption miracle!
“We’re so happy to have celebrated our first Christmas with Naomi as a family of 3! Everyone in our extended family has absolutely fallen in love with her.”
“She’s been so healthy, growing steadily, and is just perfect in every way :). She loves snuggling with our little poodles, rides in the car, swinging, rocking with her dad, and her favorite book at bedtime is Cuddle Bug. We just feel so incredibly blessed to have her smiling little face in our life! “
~Adam and Lindsey
Welcoming Lucy on Januray 13, 2024
Congratulations Allie and Tyler and brother Felix!
“Baby Lucy was born safely on January 13 to Allie and Tyler. Big brother Felix is absolutely in love.”
“We are forever grateful for embryo donation and to our donor families specifically for allowing us the opportunity to have these wonderful children in our family.”
~Allie and Tyler
First time baby daughter Sloane is making her milestones!
Baby Girl Sloane is Catching Up!
“Sloane is 6 weeks old and thriving! She is getting close to doubling her weight from its lowest (8 lbs 9 oz today from 4 lbs 15 oz). She is very strong for her age and likes to move around a lot – our neighbor predicts she will be an athlete!
In a few weeks she will meet her cousins from Atlanta and Houston.”
~ Dawn and Justin
The proud and happy parents!
Willa: Adored By All! Embryo Adoption Shares the Love!
“Willa was 6 months old as of October and she has been busy! She is sitting on her own and starting to eat food. In August Willa was dedicated at church with our family and close friends surrounding her with love and prayer. The weather was beautiful, so we were able to spend lots of time outside working on the property, feeding our animals, and playing in the pool.”
“Willa has yet to do something she doesn’t like, she just wants to be a part of the fun and see everyone involved. To say that she is adored would be an understatement! Willa is lucky to have both sides of the family in town, so she spends a day with each grandma every week. We were able to visit the ocean with her Uncle Joshua and Auntie Sam and have our friends from Tennessee visit. We’re thankful to have her in our family and join in on the adventures!”
Kaleb, Lori, & Willa
Medical Moment for January 2024
The Power and Purpose of Understanding
Your Fertility – the Carrie Abbott show
Excellent information for any woman looking for insights and greater understanding of how her cycle works.
“Married couples are looking for natural ways to navigate their fertility and family building. Single women are seeking understanding and empowerment as they navigate their cycle. Both of these groups can be educated, empowered, and live healthier lives by learning simple, scientific methods of fertility awareness. Heather Murphy with the Couple-to-Couple League joins us to share all the good news!” Listen
Links to resources: Couple to Couple League
Natural Family Planning info
Presentation Sunday ~ Prayer for Infertile Couples
THIS Sunday January 28th, 2024 In-person and online
Service times are 9:00 & 11:00 AM Pacific
Presentation Sunday at Cedar Park Church
Located at 16300 112th Ave. NE Bothell, WA 98011
Google Maps Directions
Like most services at Cedar Park, Presentation Sunday begins with a time of singing songs of worship, followed by a welcome, some announcements and a message of hope. We will also hear stories from other couples who have struggled to have children in the past, but came to pray for miracles and God answered! Finally, we will conclude with a time of prayer for the families who
desire it. Find out all about it!
All the details HERE
“Just a little note, we went to Cedar Park Church for prayer over 20 years ago. God’s answer for us was embryo adoption.” Maria Lancaster
You can email me for more info!
Embryo Adoption and Donation – Reading Resources
The Pea That Was Me Volume 3: An Embryo Donation Story is great way to introduce children conceived through embryo donation to the idea that “some very nice people” (a man and a woman) donated an extra “pea” (or embryo) to help bring them into the loving arms of “mommy and daddy”. May be read to children as young as 3 years old, and has room at the end to fill in your own child’s details. Appropriate for both anonymous and known embryo donation as an initial introduction to the concept.
Order through Amazon here
You can raise funds for your embryo adoption through donations to our Miracle Embryo Foundation!
Donations are tax-deductable!
Family and friends can help adopting couples raise funds for their adoption by making a donation. Donate Here : )
Checks can be accepted mailed to:
Att: Maria Lancaster
900 Commonwealth Place #255
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Embryo Adoption Services of Park
New Office in Virginia Beach, Virginia!
Embryo Adoption Services
of Cedar Park
900 Commonwealth Place #225
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Our Issaquah Office in Washington State
Embryo Adoption Services of
Cedar Park
Meadow Creek Business Center
22525 64th Place #253
Issaquah, WA 98027
The Bridge Project – Connecting Families
Making connections
with your family!
We are helping families to connect with each other through this project. Both adopting and donating families have been set up with personal Sharefile folders so all updates can be shared and saved.
Email me:
Here is how you can help!
If you are interested in making a tax deductible donation to support The Bridge Project, you may donate to our foundation, The Miracle Embryo Foundation that directly supports this heart touching and relationship building work.
HOW TO DO A FAMILY UPDATE: Now’s the time to do one!
Start a Word Doc.
- Write your letter or note to your family
- Insert your photos into the Word doc
- Name your masterpiece and date it
Email your update to: maria@adoptembryos.org
We will take care of the rest by adding these updates to your adopter or donor Sharefile folder for them to see. They will be notified by Sharefile that they have updates! People love updates, and we love to pass them on!
Maria Lancaster, President Co-founder
Questions? Call us: 888-959-7712
Now You Can Apply On-line!
Call us with any questions you have 1-888-959-7712
Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter. Please forward this to someone you think may be interested in knowing more about embryo adoption or embryo donation. We are here to help answer your questions you may have. We are here to help!
Maria Lancaster Co-founder/President
1-888-959-7712 email me