Meet Ainsley Maria!

Meet Ainsley Maria!

Meet Ainsley Maria!
Born February 26th, 2021

Congratulations to
Beata and Peter!

Beata and Peter are first time parents to this sweet angel. The donor dad had lost his wife to cancer, but made the embryos available to this wonderful family. We flew the embryos to their clinic via FedEx at -200 degrees.

When she was born she weighed 5# and 11oz.


First Time Parents!

We were once a couple that yearned to have a child, and for me it was being a first time parent that changed my life! Our daughter Elisha is almost 18 now!

There is nothing like it the day your long awaited baby is finally born. The relief and joy is indescribable after all the hoops, waiting, and disappointments. It always thrills me to get a birth announcement from a hospital from the overjoyed, and very tired yet happy new parents.

We wish you an abundance of blessings Beata and Peter, on the birth of Ainsley Maria and we know that every day will be immense satisfaction as you raise your perfect and beautiful daughter!
~Founder Maria Lancaster

One Thousand Dollar Credit On Fees for March!

Covid Relief for YOU!

Apply to adopt embryos during the month of March and we will credit you $1,000. towards your fees to adopt embryos!
You can apply online here:
Apply HERE

We have lots of embryos,
no wait list!

We were featured on Carrie Abbott’s radio program Relationship Insights with Carrie Abbott

We did this show on Thursday!

Carrie loves to talk life and the value of every life, and at every age. An embryo is a very early stage obviously and nothing is more miraculous than seeing babies born that were adopted as embryos. Thank you, Carrie, for having us on your wonderful and Life affirming program!
You can listen in here:
Listen to Carrie Abbott and Maria Lancaster’s radio interview Here

Medical Moment… Did you know?
FAQ’s for you about embryo adoption and donation!

How does embryo adoption work, anyway?

I am posting this because there is a lot of wonderful general information about embryo adoption and embryo donation here. This was produced by the Embryo Adoption Awareness Center. They did a nice work on this!

This is not exactly how every aspect of our agency works, but there is a good resource for a general overview!

You can download the doc here.
GENERAL FAQ’s for you!

The Bridge Project – Connecting Families

Making connections
with your family!

We are helping families to connect with each other through this project. Both adopting and donating families have been set up with personal Sharefile folders so all updates can be shared and saved. Questions?
Email me:

Or Faith Purcell at

You can support
The Bridge Project!

If you are interested in making a tax deductible donation to support The Bridge Project, you may donate to our foundation, The Miracle Embryo Foundation that directly supports this heart touching and relationship building work.
Make a Donation

Do you have questions about how to do updates for the Bridge Project?

Start a Word Doc.

  1. Write your letter or note to your family, stating Dear Bob and Sue etc.
  2. Insert your photos, if you have them, into the Word Doc.
  3. Name your masterpiece and save it: Joey’s first birthday for Bob & Sue

Email your update to:

We will take care of the rest by adding these updates to your adopter or donor Sharefile folder for them to see. They will be notified by Sharefile that they have updates! People love updates, and we love to pass them on!

Maria Lancaster, President Co-founder
Questions? Call us: 888-959-7712

Now You Can Apply On-line!



Call us with any questions you have 1-888-959-7712

We do not have a waiting list!
You can also support our foundation: