Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park has a very special girl!

Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park has a very special girl!

Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park has a very special girl!

“McKenzie LoriAnn Charisse Fernandez born 9/22/22 7:26pm 7lb 3oz, 19″. She is named after some of the most amazing women in the world – her 4 grandmas!”

Find out more about embryo adoption here

“She joins two brothers, Steven (8 – who was traditionally adopted from foster care at 2.5) and Felix (2.5 – who was our first amazing experience with embryo adoption!)”

“We thought we were done after Felix, but God called us to adopt more embryos and we are so blessed to have added a girl to our brood!”

“McKenzie has been prayed for and over for a long, long time. All glory to our Heavenly Father – what an incredible gift He has given us in these children.”

Ian and Charisse


Major Milestone #200 and a Big 19th Birthday for Elisha Lancaster!

So on this special day we also found out that baby #200 with our embryo adoption program was on the way! It was also Elisha our embryo adopted daughters 19th birthday! It took 10 years for the first 100 babies and only 4 years for the next 100 babies!

We are grateful to our donor families that have made this possible for 200 miracles to enter the world and bless families yearning for a child. We look forward to seeing every birth announcement with joy and anticipation because we know how much it means to the new parents, and the grandparents.

The birth of a child is a monumental event in the life of a family. Embryo adoption is a miracle between families and we are thankful for the trust and confidence they have put in Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park!

Happy Birthday Elisha, without you, things just would not have been the same without you leading the way! You are an awesome trailblazer!

Last week I did a radio interview with Carrie Abbott’s Legacy Institute Program and you can hear all about this story and more:

Listen HERE

Medical Moment for September 2022

New DNA test to predict and correct future pregnancy losses

What is ReceptivaDxTM?

ReceptivaDx is a first of its kind test for the detection of inflammation of the uterine lining most commonly associated with endometriosis, a leading cause of infertility and implantation failure.

Women testing positive for ReceptivaDx are 5 times less likely to succeed in IVF than women testing negative. ceptivaDxTM (BCL6 Test) Predicts Chances for a Successful Transfer and Successful Pregnancy.

All the info you need Here

We are here to explain: How It Works!

Embryo Donation
How it works!

All of our adopting families complete a Home Study Evaluation including an interview with one of our social workers.

All of our adopting moms have a approval to do an embryo transfer from a Reproductive Endocrinologist.

We match families based on similar race, religion, similar physical characteristics, kind of mutual level of openness desired, and other mutual similarities.

Donor families are able to select the adopting family first, then the adopting family approves the donor family. Learn more here:

Fundraising for your embryo adoption!

Raise $ For Your Embryo Adoption : )

We wanted to point out that through our Miracle Embryo Foundation you, your family or friends can make a donation to this foundation and all of the proceeds can apply towards your adoption fees. This is a tax-deductible donation. All that needs to be done is note your name on the donation!

You can forward this email to your loved ones and ask them to help you build your family.

If you have any questions email me:


Make a tax deductible donation

Checks can also be mailed to:
The Miracle Embryo Foundation
Att: Maria Lancaster
Box 1248, Nampa, ID 83653

The Bridge Project – Connecting Families

Making connections
with your family!

We are helping families to connect with each other through this project. Both adopting and donating families have been set up with personal Sharefile folders so all updates can be shared and saved.
Email me:


The Bridge Project

You can support
The Bridge Project!

If you are interested in making a tax deductible donation to support The Bridge Project, you may donate to our foundation, The Miracle Embryo Foundation that directly supports this heart touching and relationship building work.

Make a Donation HERE


Start a Word Doc.

  1. Write your letter or note to your family, stating Dear Bob and Sue etc.
  2. Insert your photos, if you have them, into the Word Doc.
  3. Name your masterpiece and save it: Joey’s first birthday for Bob & Sue

Email your update to: maria@adoptembryos.org

We will take care of the rest by adding these updates to your adopter or donor Sharefile folder for them to see. They will be notified by Sharefile that they have updates! People love updates, and we love to pass them on!

Maria Lancaster, President Co-founder
Questions? Call us: 888-959-7712

Now You Can Apply On-line!



Call us with any questions you have 1-888-959-7712

We do not have a waiting list!
You can also support our foundation: